Contact Us | Murder Mystery Games

Contact Murder Mystery Games

We should have answers to many of the questions you may have for us on our FAQs and Troubleshooting pages. If you can’t find what you are looking for there, then please feel free to contact us by phone or email. 

We are based in the UK and our postal address is:

Murder Mystery Games
57 The Fairway




The best way to get in touch with us is by email: mmgames[put in @ here]

Phone Contact

If you want to speak to us, we can be difficult to get hold of because we are often all out running events. Also, because we are based in the UK, our time zone is Greenwich Mean Time. The best phone number to try us on is 020 8842 1284 or +44 20 842 1284 from outside the UK.  Wherever possible, do please contact us first by email instead.

Actor Hire/Let Us Run Your Event

Our murder mysteries are written so that people can run them for themselves. But if your event is taking place in the UK and you may want some extra help, we may be able to provide it. 

Want to hire a professional actor to run your Whodunit? Or for us to put the plot together and run it for you? Then please go to our sister site Murder Mystery and Mayhem here